Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday 2/6/12

Sleep: 1:45 AM - 10 AM
Woke up normal
Ate breakfast

Econ Class:
Can't focus, racing thoughts (like LOUD static)

This is stupid. I don't need help. Hypomania is bullshit, I'm fine. I just get depressed a lot.

It feels like I don't need to take notes because I'll remember it - I don't need to take notes or study b/c it's stupid and I'll remember it all anyway. I'm awesome! :)
I'm hungry.

I can't stop thinking about how stupid this class is. But this is only a voice in my head. I'm trying to remember that last time this happened, last time I felt this way about school and acted on it, I failed every course and my admission was revoked.

I'm feeling rather mean. But I can see the decrease in my notes but I just can't be bothered to pay attention - I only need to write down what he writes down anyway.

I'm not sure if this is a high or a low.

My thoughts are jumping like crazy. My handwriting is getting worse because it takes too much effort to write.


Boyfriend says when I'm up I'm childish and can't see consequences and have a lack of focus.
I wonder if that's true.
I wonder if it's worth fighting or not.

It's weird because I was fine a couple days ago. We were watching Horrible Bosses and it was normal.


I went grocery shopping after class. I pulled up to my garage and sat in my car for 20 minutes because I couldn't find the motivation to move.

Boyfriend came over. He makes everything better. :)

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